Thursday, August 30, 2018

McLuhan’s 5 Tips for Surviving the Internet

Marshal McLuhan’s theories are germane to understanding the internet—the electric media where we find ourselves stimulated and overwhelmed. McLuhan died in 1980 but stands alone as a guide to making sense of our “too much information” world. 

He saw it coming as clear as day. His tips, appear below, numbered 1-5. They come from Understanding Media, McLuhan’s groundbreaking book from 1964. 

McLuhan’s writings help you gain a measure of confidence about “Why Is This Happening” way more than any TV show by Chris Hayes! 

McLuhan correctly identified the significance of the Sputnik launch (1957) and satellite communications systems. We now had the earth in our electronic embrace.

1) Today the action and reaction occur almost at the same time.

The mechanical/industrial era began in 1450 with Johannes Gutenberg and the printing press. We are now in an era of electric technology. The printing press changed the world. The internet is today's revolution-- and cause of anxiety. 

Some folks didn’t get the memo and think cause-and—effect determines outcomes. There is no chain of logic in the electronic environment. It happens so fast, everything is simultaneous.

2) We actually live mythically and integrally, as it were, but we continue to think in the old, fragmented space and time patters of the pre-electric age. 

The electronic revolution has started to feel oppressive—even to the most enthusiastic Facebook, Instagram, Twitter user.  Just as a fish is not aware of water we don’t know what social media does to our lives. We cannot put down the phone and want to know why! 

We are so connected to screens it makes you want to scream. Your mind, body and spirit is flying around with all the other electrons created by the new environment.

3) In the electric age, where our central nervous system is technologically extended to involve us in all of mankind and to incorporate the whole of mankind in us, we necessarily participate, in depth in the consequences of every action. 

We get too much information, all day long. Is there any escape. Not sure there is. But always remember McLuhan’s great axiom—“the medium is the message.”

McLuhan stated the medium is more significant than whatever the content being produced. 

4) For the “content” of a medium is like the juicy meat carried by the burglar to distract the watchdog of the mind.

The content of your phone conversations has little significance; what matters is that you are using the cellphone.  

Donald Trump’s tweets matter less than the fact that he is using Twitter.

McLuhan recognized the difficulty in grasping the internet—abstract and invisible. McLuhan compared his task to Louis Pasteur’s scientific revelations—for germs are also invisible to the eye. 

5) I am in the position of Louis Pasteur telling doctors that their greatest enemy was quite invisible, and quite unrecognized by them.

Do not fall for content the fast-moving hype generated by social media, cable news, etc.. Do remember the medium for therein lives the answer. 

Our very spirit and bodies have become the medium. We extend outward to the whole universe. That’s a lot of electrons to carry on your shoulders. 

Separate from the monster…? Can you not glance at your phone every few seconds…?

Marshall McLuhan is the best medicine—the true doctor for our overworked synapses. 

Read McLuhan before going to bed each night.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Omarosa Manigault: Ultimate Survivor

Up until now I thought Donald Trump was the ultimate Survivor. Trump has a personality made for reality TV. Reality TV made him a presidential contender. Reality TV .... "been berry, berry good" to Donald Trump.

Trump’s salesman instincts were spot-on. He recognized the pain running through the American heartland. It took a New York real estate developer to figure out Middle America.

Trump put a dagger in the heart of a slew of Republican candidates by being a plain talker. He called them names-- Low Energy Jeb Bush, lyin' Ted Cruz, etc-- and this chutzpah appealed to Middle America.

Remember Robert Preston in “The Music Man” the 1962 movie, about a flim-flam man who conned the the hicks in River City and took their money. Trump has hypnotized all of us. He took the American presidency and turned it into a reality TV show!

Almost forgot about Omarosa Manigault. 

Hunter Thompson, the gonzo journalist, famously said …“when the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.” 

Omarosa more than almost any other person proves the truth of the weird turning pro. She has achieved an almost stateswoman type media presence. Omarosa plays a Villainess on reality TV, but with Trump's assistance has taken her act to the national stage. 

Omarosa has an ego to match Donald Trump and an iPhone tape recorder to embarrass the hell out of him. Omarosa seems unburdened by conventional moral codes. Who does that remind you of?

If Donald Trump comes back as an African-American female for his next lifetime—can you guess what his name will be?

These people were made for cable TV, in fact made by cable TV, and they’ve lifted everybody’s ratings. They fill our flat screens with drama and everybody likes watching the new train wreck of our national politics now presented as a TV show.

Omarosa does not mind having enemies. Who does that remind you of? She rose from humble roots in Youngstown, Ohio and has survived all the slings and arrows. She truly was an apprentice of Donald Trump.

Omarosa learned rapidly. She appeared on Trump’s “Apprentice” in 2004, the show’s first season. Omarosa was strong in the boardroom portions of the show. In 2016 she was sitting at the around the White House table.

Omarosa’s rapid rise via the television medium has been one of the fastest moves upward in recent political history. Sarah Palin got pulled out of the Alaskan outback by presidential candidate John McCain. She had appeal with the same people that became Trump backers. Like Omarosa, Sarah Palin was a force to be reckoned with. Sarah's act quick ended. She claimed her 15 minutes and was gone.

Omarosa is guaranteed at least 20 minutes. Without Trump, there is very little interest in Omarosa. The White House offered to pay her a salary to keep her mouth shut. Omarosa did not take that bait. She's too much a Survivor to fall for that ploy.

Omarosa’s strategic use of a recording device guarantees a measure more of fame and fortune. She has a book out, Unhinged, at the top of the New York Times bestseller list.

Omarosa has turned pro. 

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

American Objects of Affection: (shared by Left and Right)

Americans seem very convinced a cultural war between the left-wing and right wing ruins any chance for peace and civility in the public discourse. Balderdash! Bunk I say… for Americans from across the political spectrum share a fondness of many of the same things.

Top 3 things Americans love:

1)  Cars
2) Air-conditioning
3) Cellphones

The Top 3 may seem so obvious as to be not worth mentioning. People in many countries may also love cellphones (laptops, iPads etc/), cars and air conditioning. The less prosperous populations often do not have access to these luxuries.

The Top 3 are not considered luxuries by most Americans. The American populace, left or right wing, feel they must have these commodities. We take them for granted like the air we breathe. 

Cars and Trucks:

The rural American, identified as Donald Trump voters, likes the pickup truck the bigger and more expensive the better. 

Pickup Trucks (Trumpers like): 

1)    Ford F-150
2)  Chevy Silverado
3)  Dodge Ram pickup

Fortunately, American car manufacturers produce well-built pickup trucks. You can buy American, feel good about it and get a great truck. 

Pickup Trucks (Liberals like)
A guy who drives a Toyota Tacoma may just be a liberal. Even left-leaning, bleeding hearts, enjoy the macho feel of a big, steel pickup truck.

SUVs (Obama Liberals like)
1)   Subaru
2)  Lexus RX 350
3)  Honda CRV

Liberals profess a passion for the have-nots but often drive SUVs that prove they “have” plenty. The SUVs listed above tend to be expensive and Japanese-made. Maybe the international flavor of a Japanese-made vehicle appeals to liberals love of globalism? These wonderfully built vehicles cost a hell of a lot—but so do the fancy versions of the pickup trucks listed above.

Right wing Trumpers and left-wing Barack Obama lovers don’t fret about global warming when they turn the key to their ignition. 

Henry Ford turned us on to car ownership with the Model-T cars he mass-produced from 1908-1927. America has never been the same. Ford built the car at a price the average man could afford, even those working on the assembly line.

Ford revolutionized car production with his assembly line. His business genius allowed him to recognize the advantage to making a car affordable to the rising middle class. Henry Ford’s marketing genius got us hooked. The driving habit has been with us for a century. Doesn’t matter your political persuasion—everybody likes having a car/truck.

Air Conditioning

Air conditioning got invented by Willis Carrier in 1902. You might say that air conditioning brought the North and South together-- with the arrangement that Northerners could now more readily handle the worm temperatures of the South.

"The introduction of residential air conditioning in the 1920s helped enable the great migration to the Sun Belt in the United States." (Wikipedia)

Chilled air is so prevalent everywhere in the South and Western United States as to be invisible. You walk into a restaurant, movie theater, super market in Texas, where I live, and feel your just stepped into a produce cooler or a meat locker. Everybody demands central air conditioning, or AC/  We hardly get a winter down here, except indoors, where man has created his own climate. The entire spectrum of voters, from Trumper to Obama supporter, votes “yes” when it comes to air conditioning.

We get even more agreement on the cellphone. Most everybody wants an iPhone. Samsung phones are popular too.

Cellphones can be seen in every hand, from  alt-right believers to their Antifa adversaries. Apple owns the world because left, right and everybody else loves the iPhone. We all have computers in our hand, a luxury valued by all—right or left.

We may be more alike than we care to admit. 

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Uncle Rudy Guiliani: Trump’s breakout star

Rudy Giuliani (74 years) is two years older than Donald Trump (72 years) and a fellow New Yorker. Rudy’s age makes him a perfect mentor to Trump. Or just the perfect wing man.

Rudy’s role for Trump seems more bomb thrower than legal advisor. 

Rudy goes out for media interviews and drops the bombs. The bombs reveal some truth about Trump’a actual behavior. Like a defense attorney, he offers his client’s misdeeds before the prosecutors can get to make the accusations:

·     Donald Trump did pay off the Playboy girlfriend…. No big deal!
·     Michael Cohen does have tapes. No big deal! Wait that is a big deal. Cohen's a scumbag.
·     Trump  involved in the Russia meeting at Trump Tower. No big deal!
·     Even if the President colluded, it’s not a crime. No big deal!

Giuliani's rambling, drunk uncle style of communication, is strangely reassuring. I grew up in New York. I recognize the bombastic, circular storytelling of the eccentric relative. Somehow Rudy's rambling narratives feel a little like a TV version of a fireside chat. Giuliani is no FDR but he has some legendary exploits on his resume that make him a venerable, if not always loved, figure. 

Rudy’s Legend

Rudy is the guy who:

·     Took on the Mafia as a prosecutor.
·     As mayor, is often credited with curbing crime in New York City. His “broken window policy” locked up small time offenders and returned law and order to the city.
·     The 9/11 attacks with Rudy Giuliani marching around downtown New York with a dust mask over his face and bringing a sense of calm in the tragedy’s aftermath.

Rudy has the brash style of a New York City, not unlike his boss in the White House. Who could have guessed that the sweet, silent majority of the Flyover States would embrace a cabal of New York City characters? 

The top of the New York heap is—
1) Donald Trump, real estate developer and insult expert
2) Rudy Giuliani, former crime-buster, now flaunts the law and criticizes the FBI and Justice Department.

If I didn’t know better … the spin coming from Rudy Giuliani sounds vaguely like Norm Crosby, the famous double talk comedian. Norm also felt like a dose of normalcy in a world gone mad. 

Norm Crosby revealed day-to-day reality as an illusion. Nothing is as it seems, certainly not if this is the new normal kind of political discourse. 

Rudy now tap dances like a vaudeville hoofer. He doles out spoonfuls of truth  in the middle of Trump's hail storm of lies and distortions. Rudy has been so effective adding to the haze around Trump that the Donald seems content to give him tons of TV time. 

Rudy is the breakout star—the Fonzie of Happy Days in the White House 

Rudy, like Trump, worked the New York streets and media scene for years. Trump respects that media wisdom and gives Rudy a forum and  his very own screen time. Rudy has a breakout hit in Season 2 of The Trump White House Reality Show. Sarah Huckabee Sanders is the other big breakout star.

Rudy's detractors make a mistake if they underestimates his media performance. Rudy knows the TV cameras. 

The left finally realizes Trump's ability to weave an "emotional narrative" resonates with voters-- even if his is a hate-filled story. The left needs to learn some storytelling skills with maybe a warmer message. Meantime Trump and Rudy run the airwaves like a bull in a china shop.