Wednesday, April 17, 2019

My Walk Down Streets of Paris


Walking Tour (Paris)

This was a mega-day in Paris. Leo, the VRBO rep, brought us through an entry day, through an outdoor vestibule, and past a large steel door, thick enough to protect Napoleon’s crown jewels, and a door which would almost bring me and Molly to a desperation and collapse, a mere one day into the trip. At the end of our massive walk Molly and I inadvertently double-locked the door and couldn’t get in after a 6 mile jaunt on foot around the streets of Paris. More on that later. Luckily my Samsung/T-Mobile phone and its International Plan sprung to life and we were able to reach the VRBO people. A staffer arrived by bus around 15 minutes after we called and explained the double-locked issue and got us in the sprawling apartment. Lest we sound like nervous nellies… here’s the deal. We were jet lagged, Paris totally new to me—and our housemates were asleep (recovering from jet lag) as we banged on the mighty steel door, worthy of a Fort Knox safe. Dana and Reed had been napping while Molly and I tried desperately to get into the place. The employee arrived and we were home safe. Exhale.

The Rue de Rivoli apartment has a swell location near the majestic City Hall and the incomparable Notre Dame. To give you an idea how grand this City Hall actually is—the secret, by invitation only White Party of Paris, the “Diner en Blanc en Paris” happened in front of City Hall during our stay in the apartment! 

Notre Dame was our first stop on Molly and my jaunt. We have photos to prove it. There may have been an attacker, hammer in hand, subdued by police that very day. By the time we passed by Notre Dame had resumed operations and the plaza in front had the usual lines of visitors. I feel the majesty of Notre Dame benefits from its location on an island in the Seine. Somehow the commerce and flow of traffic and people in near proximity to the cathedral adds an element of modern relevance to the grand old building. New and old, flying buttresses and nearby bridges with cars, pedestrians and river traffic below combine for a feeling of freshness, Middle Ages meet 21st century. 

Our stroll continued. Molly knows Paris and wanted to revisit the one-time apartment of a good friend she had visited years earlier. She was on a mission nto find the place. We located the apartment. Molly noted the apartment building had been converted to a medical facility.  

We moved further along the busy streets to the neighboring historical cafes, Les Deux Magots and Café De Flor, battling for literary primacy across the street from each other. I mentioned these in yesterday’s blog entry. Molly pointed out the symbol of the Deux Magots on the café’s awning. It showed two Magi—and turns out that Magot is French for Magi, you know like the kings who arrived at the birth of Christ. That visit involved three Magi and so one must wonder, did the third Magi cross the street and go to Café de Flor for his cup of coffee? Molly announced “we’re in Saint Germaine, in the 6th arrondissement. Arrondissement is “a subdivision of a French administrative district” of “area of French city.” Looked like we were in a nice part of town—a pretty good arrondissement from the looks of things.

We pushed further west through some more beautiful neighborhood streets and past the Swiss embassy. We encountered an open are with the grand Napoleon Tomb and Museum of Armaments, or Armee, within view. I forgot to mention our mission—we wanted to locate the “Reed” restaurant. Molly had made reservations at the Reed, in honor of Reed a member of our foursome. Reed deserves credit for getting this whole trip organized, planning the itinerary, and he likes quality dining! And at the Reed restaurant you get dinner prepared by a single gourmet chef, a French Canadian lady from Quebec, while you sit just a few feet away. We wanted to locate this place in advance, maybe a little OCD of us, especially considering the walking involved. We found the street—Amelie—and turns out that street felt like a quiet refuge from the big city. 

Rue Amelie had a small fan-making business in its bosom. How is that for a throwback industry—the earliest form of air-conditioning. I’m talking about the hand-held fans, the kind that veiled Spanish senoritas whoosh back and forth. Fans seem something of an oddity now, but still being manufactured on Amelie Street and we heard the whir of sewing machines as seamstresses sewed the fabric into place. We had reached the westernmost end of our walk and now planned a way back, navigate towards the Seine and the Place de la Concorde.

Molly walks incredibly fast and darts between and around slower pedestrians and sometimes automobiles with great grace and skill.About 4-5 miles into our walk and working on very little sleep—I found myself glad when we approached the Foreign Ministry building, facing the Seine from the south bank. We noticed a formal reception in full swing, the welcoming of a foreign dignity perhaps, was happening, with two line of soldiers standing on a stone staircase entryway, swords drawn and extended towards the ground. A little breather… We joined the crowds observing from a distance and felt some cool air from the river. I exhaled. 

We crossed the river to our side, the Marais side, the Right Bank—on the north side of the river. We found our way to a Metro stop—maybe Place de la Concorde. I bought 10 tickets with the helpful English language instructions built it to the kiosk. We hopped on our subway car and a couple of inebriated men sat side-by-side with the look and timing of vaudeville performers playing drunks. But these guys, street people, were the real thing. Red-faced and clothes spattered with dirt, they mumbled and grunted in what sounded like an East European tongue, but for all I know it was French with some weird dialect and drunken inflections.

Molly and I made it back to the Hotel Del Ville stop and the final few feet to our Rue de Rivoli apartment. Feeling confident in having used the Metro and made a significant circle of our Paris environs, we stopped in the local mini-market/grocery attached to our building and bought a few items. But now the locked steel door loomed a few feet and seconds away, ready to burst our bubble on our Paris mastery. We got through the first locked entryway and into the fresh air vestibule and arrived at the massive steel vault door, the one obstacle we could not hurdle successfully. Even Napoleon had his Waterloo. We turned and turned, pushed and prodded the key and made no progress. My jet-lagged mind and body, further weakened by a 6-mile walk, no matter how triumphant, started to crumble. It’s called a meltdown. We lingered in the vestibule. I pulled out my phone. Would it work? I could hear ringing on the other end and an English accent answered my plea for help. I thanked the Techno-Gods. The phone worked to make a local call in Paris. The blonde-haired VRBO lady, the same person with the English accent, got us in our place close to dinner-time. Our refreshed housemates awoke to observe Molly and me crawl up the stairs, tired but relieved. Molly and I had completed our odyssey. A great day for learning about the city. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Memories of Watergate (1973)-- my favorite year

The year 1973 was a big one for me. I moved from New York to this little-known city of Austin, Texas. Willie Nelson helped set the positive tone for the city on his mission to bring Cowboys and Hippies together in a spirit of peace and friendship.

The term for cowboys was actually Rednecks. As for hippies, I'm sure we had our share of insults from more traditional Texans but we found our place in Austin, a town know for liberalism and open mindedness. The University of Texas brought intellectual fervor and the State Capitol was the other big game in town. Jobs were scarce and salaries were low. But you could live in central Austin on a waiter's wages.

Before I became a waiter I worked briefly as a carpenter's helper on a construction site called Timbercreek Apartments. The project still exists on South 1st Street across from the Texas School for the Deaf.

Several notable details about the spring of 1973. We actually had a fair number of white guys working on the job--  hippie carpenters and assorted locals. Home building now dominated by Hispanic guys-- was more integrated in those days. At lunch break we would listen to the radio for Watergate reports and eat homemade sandwiches with bean sprouts and whole wheat bread. No cellphones, no GrubHub.

Watergate caused some consternation but hysteria levels were not at the fever pitch of today's battles between Left and Right. I don't even recall the political opinions being expressed during lunch break. Being a New York liberal made me slightly wary of expressing radical viewpoints except with my close friends.

Austin, Texas had a laid back friendliness that holds more memories any opinions being expressed. Democrats actually held elective office in the state. The Hispanic influence on Texas added a feeling of diversity. Border crossing happened relatively easily. The laissez-faire and relative ease for going back and forth to Mexico impressed me. "How cool to border another country," I thought.

At day's end the hippie carpenters descended on nearby Armadillo World Headquarters. Jim Franklin created the Armadillo concept, the well-armored little beasts were a symbol of the counter culture. I marveled at Texas carpenters' talent for working hard and then consuming massive amounts of beer along with marijuana-- in quantities unrivaled on the East Coast.

Texas was a new world. After stepping on some nails and busting some knuckles and fingernails I quickly surmised my lack of talent for carpentry.

Watergate discussions on MSNBC reminded me of that very important year.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

President Trump: Reality Star embarks on Season 3

If you've been looking for an insight into Donald Trump that you cannot get from his loyal friends on Fox News of his detractors on MSNBC we have an insider who understands this President and his Administration. Our guide to the Trump brain is none other than Omarosa, the former Celebrity Apprentice star. Omarosa said Trump is a reality star and this is the start of Season 3.

Omarosa Manigault had great insights into how Reality TV keeps a show rocking for Season 3.
At the beginning of Season 3, the Hero often becomes the Heel.

A Heel is another term for villain. Trump may make himself a Heel for Season 3 so he can magically transform into a Hero for Season 4 and the 2020 election.

All this seemed farfetched until I heard Trump skewer John McCain, recently deceased Senator from Arizona and Vietnam War POW and war hero. Why attack Senator McCain? No good reason unless you want to keep your name at the top of the newsfeed.

Trump does know how change and movement keeps the Reality TV show fresh and alive. The whole notion of choosing Hero or Heel is very reminiscent of Vince McMahon and the WWE. Wrestlers decide in the locker room much of what will happen that night in the ring. They prepare themselves for the body slams and the folded metal chairs exploding against their foreheads.

The WWE kind of control and planning appeals to Trump's sense of the benefits of controlling the message.

Omarosa showed a talent for survival on Celebrity Apprentice. Donald Trump was impressed enough to carry her to the White Office. She bucked and complained when it was time for her to go. She demonstrated and ego and narcissism approaching the superhuman self-love of her mentor Mr. Trump. It takes one to know one.

Recognize the Trump election as America choosing Trump TV over Hillary TV. He definitely had media mastery over Hillary. Barack Obama snuck up on Hillary and defeated her partly because Barack was more watchable than Hillary.

Trump is a bare knuckles brawler who prefers election fights over governing. As President he has elevated his family's financial gains over the country's welfare. He has been consistent in his self-aggrandizement.

And now we get to look forward to the nicknames! Who will be the next Low Energy Jeb Bush... etc.? Elizabeth Warren struggles from under the Pocahontas label and may not escape it. Trump not only creates his own brand, he brands others and they continue to feel the sting for years afterward. Just like pro wrestling-- it's raw and over the top with good guys, bad guys and lots of trash talk.

And we keep watching.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Why the Left still doesn't get Trump?

Donald Trump is the name that never leaves our lips. It’s so intimate in a way. Trump in our head. Trump in our words. Trump in our frustrations. 

The Left rejects Trump for so many good reasons. 

Trump is:
·     Narcissistic
·     Greedy
·     Lacks empathy
·     Ignores climate degradation
·     Enriches the wealthy

All these are valid, but do not explain Trumps incredible ability to control the conversation. The pundits predicted he would lose hugely to Hillary Clinton. The pundits then told Trump to stop using Twitter. Of course he uses Twitter brilliantly.

The Left keeps insisting, on MSNBC, that his base is limited in number. At this point Trump supporters far outweigh any presidential candidiate emerging from the Democratic party. That could change quickly but time will tell. 

The Democrats need to understand Trump better if they intend to win in 2020.

The key to Trump—he’s not a literary man. We know he doesn’t like to read or ponder documents presented by his security analysts, etc.. What does Trump do that is so effective?

Let’s turn to the master media guru Marshall McLuhan to understand Trump better. Trump is a master of TV—the power of its images and the all-at-once nature of digital communications. 

Marshall McLuhan wrote in the 60s and 70s but understood the Internet before it existed. He pointed out that the “literary man” would be baffled by the speed and intimacy of our communications and the non-linear characteristics of our present day media environment. 

Communication now has more in common with villagers sitting around the campfire than with a NY Times article. The conversation is full of emotion and immediacy, and seems to be quite a bit of lying and propagandizing involved as well. This is McLuhan’s global village and Marshall did not promise it would be peaceful or pleasant. 

McLuhan had grave misgivings about the future of our electronic technology. Seems like many now recognize the downside of all this connectivity. But we must live with it and study it to maintain any sense of personal control.

Here is what Marshall McLuhan wrote in the Saturday Evening Post (August 10, 1968):

“But in a deep sense, TV bypasses the ballot box as a means of creating political “representatives.” TV is not concerned with views or interests or issues. It is a maker and finder of images that ride over all points ov view and over all age-groups as well. The TV image ends all national and party politics.
“… An all-at-once world, fashioned by electric information, demands a candidate full of puns and unexpected nuances. Such a man is one who knows so much about the contemporary interface of all cultures that he cannot possibly be deluded by any earnest regard for any them. The new changes are not moral but technological.”
Hope that helps! Go Dems! Remember this is not moral war—but a communications battle. Better learn the new technology!


Thursday, February 28, 2019

Hollywood acts like Cowardly Lion: no Oscar's emcee

Hollywoods premier award ceremony, the Oscars, went without a Master of Ceremonies in a show off great cowardice. You remember the Cowardly Lion's search for courage... from The Wizard of Oz. Looks like Hollywood forgot the wonderful message, you need a brain, a heart and courage to find yourself and make your way in the world. Those things make it more likely when you encounter witches, flying monkeys and the occasional tornado or rainy day.

Hollywood steering clear of a comedian host indicates a detour from the truth of today's world.  Comedians are truth tellers, it's essential to their DNA. I always loved the way Bob Hope, Johnny Carson and Billy Crystal guided us through the evening, poking fun at the stars. The comedian hosts offered subtle hints to the workings of their industry because comedians are truth-tellers and Hollywood surrounds the room on Oscar night.

Today's fear-filled world can send your career on downward spiral based on a statement, rumors generated and highlighted on social media or based on comedy material once appreciated but no longer embrace by polite, politically correct, society.

Woody Allen seems to be the filmmaker to most rapidly fall from hero to zero. Not sure exactly why. You've heard the stories. Nobody wants to produce his movies now but he's had a hell of a run. Stay around too long and the barking dogs eventually pull you down. Now some film critics refuse to consider his films. Sounds like Mao-style re-education going on in certain corners of American society.

Great Comedian Oscar Hosts (a few from the list)

Will Rogers-- 1934
George Jessel- 1936
Bob Hope-- 1940s,1950s, 1960s, 1978
Jack Benny-- 1947
Jerry Lewis- 1950s
Johnny Carson-- 1970s
Billy Crystal-- 1990s
Whoopi Goldberg-- 1990s
(since 2000)
Whoopi Goldberg
Steven Martin
Chris Rock
Jon Stewart
Ellen Degeneres
Jimmy Kimmel

Double hosts don't work. Didn't like Alec Baldwin and Steve Martin together. James Franco and Anne Hathaway was a disaster. Franco seemed at a loss as a host. David Letterman notably failed. The comedians listed above, from this millennium, could have done an excellent job and added a little of the unexpected. That's the role of comedian. But unexpected was verboten this year.

Failure of the comedian host was not the concern-- so much as possible backlash generated by controversial commentary from center stage.

Harvey Weinstein's ghost hung over the proceedings. He was referred to as the Oscar Monster by Vanity Fair. As recently as 2017, Harvey was the most thanked man at the Oscar's. Alas. how times change.

Talks of casting couches and alleged sexual assault have sullied the reputation of the grand master of Oscar victories. He's now joined the Hall of Shame from the Alliance of Women Film Journalists. Maybe Hollywood feared a comedian emcee would point out some of Hollywood's warts and that was a prospect the brass could not and would risk taking.

Race issues, along with #metoo movement influence, were front and center. Minority concerns were indicated by the choice for Best Picture-- Green Book-- a fairly sweet story, dare I say saccharine, about the challenges of integration. John L. Lewis appeared on the program as a symbol of the great struggle for Civil Rights and brought a dose of the deeply painful reality of US race relations to the stage. The Favourite, my favorite of the year, may not have received serious award consideration because its story-- two women who struggle mightily to destroy each other may have been a bit too real and raucous for the Oscar's of 2019.

The automaton-like voice introducing the "next presenters" fell flat for me. It had no personality and lacked for truth. Hollywood struggles on many levels-- just to keep up with changing media platforms and tastes. Removing a human element-- the comedian emcee-- does not solve any of these problems. The disembodied voice suggested machines are taking over and not doing a good job of it.

The kings of the  days of old had Court Jesters to bring them unpleasant realizations. The Jester might  himself without a head if the material went badly enough. Talk about high stakes!

Hollywood just did not want to hear from the Court Jesters on Oscars night. Laughs were few and far between and the night smacked of restraint and overly tight production deadlines. The trains were running on time but the absence of a core-- an emcee and toastmaster-- showed the importance of heart, brains and courage.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

New York runs Amazon out of town .... what bugs me!

What bugs me about NYC running Amazon out of town... Let me tell you what I know as an ex-New Yorker. New York is full of loud mouth, know-it-all types... until, like with the Amazon screw-up, results prove maybe they were wrong all along. 

AOC, Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, looked very sheepish when reporters stopped her in the halls of Congress with Amazon questions. She called it a victory for "every day people" against Jeff Bezos. She affirmed that the stood up to the richest man in the world. 

Stood up to Bezos? Bezos took his ball and moved the game to Nashville, TN and Arlington, Virginia. He walked away from the deal when it looked like New York politicians, etc.,, prepared themselves to rake him over the coals. Now they can fight and curse among themselves and put up billboards in Times Square attacking possibly the stupidest political decision ever made.

Giving up 25,000 jobs and $27 billion in projected income does not sound like a victory. Smells more like regret. New York governor Andrew Cuomo and Mayor Bill Deblasio of NYC, more seasoned Democrats, were excited to offer Amazon a deal. They wanted to bring jobs to Queens, NY and the average salaries were said to be upwards of $150,000 per year. That wasn't good enough

I tried to delve into the protests against Amazon from the left and the roots of their discontent. Maybe it's connected to the way New York City is actually thriving these days with a combination of immigrant energy and white flight back to the city.

I wondered if a weird nostalgia for the old New York can be the cause for leftist confusion. In the 50s, when I was a kid in Manhattan, the city felt polluted with smokestack industry, along with crowded streets and noisy traffic. My family was part of the white flight to the suburbs. The city became increasingly dangerous and unappealing through the 60s and 70s.

Now gentrification has flip-flopped the equation and maybe that helps explain people like AOC. They may feel things are too good-- too many rich people and young, educated types moving into the city and crowding the subways.

Amazon may symbolize more prosperous folks sipping lattes and crowding the subways. But Amazon jobs had potential for low-skill and high-skill employment-- and that's what bugs me!

You would have had construction jobs and low skill jobs available to the many people. Amazon wanted to assist with New York's infrastructure, including education. Some of those Queens College students would have had opportunities to put new found programming skills to use-- and raise themselves economically.

The deed is done. New Yorkers of various political persuasions have only to dry their eyes and point the fingers at each other to determine where the fault resides. 

I call it "being too smart for your own good."

New York City will go on and continue to prosper on its upward trajectory. 

Meanwhile we've got a New Yorker running the country. Trump did not win his own NY state but he looks formidable as a 2020 candidate. And the Democrats must evaluate their platform and decide if job creation is a plan they can support.

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Blackface, White Frocks and Dems seeing Red

Virginia's leadership shows itself wanting: Governor Northam gets exposed for featuring racist imagery on his medical yearbook page, the Lieutenant Governor has been accused of sexual assault, and the Attorney General admits to wearing blackface getup at parties in his youth.

On the other end of the color spectrum... many of the newly elected women of Congress featured white garb at President Trump's State of the Union speech. Trump's most lighthearted moment occurred when he acknowledged the number of women elected to office and the white suits came alive with laughter and happiness. White is the color of spiritual purity.

Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) and many of her white-suited colleagues hope to change the world through visionary thinking and spiritual vigor. Just to add another color, she has proposed a Green New Deal, working to save the environment with a powerful plan like FDR's New Deal of the 1930s. The Congresswomen in white brought a nice change of pace to the the red/blue binary in the color wars.

Trump seemed to address AOC directly midway through the State of the Union. He addressed Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, progenitors of the new progressive wing of the Democratic Party,  stating "America will never be a socialist country." Trump compared the USA would have a similar outcome to tottering Venezuela should we go that route.

The color thing-- Republicans are the reds and Democrats the blue-- has a strange parallel to the the Bloods and Crips, famous street gangs of LA. Politics is a street fight, fought by rich and powerful in business suits but the partisanship of today has Democratic politicians in blue tie and Donald Trump and company more likely to go for the red cravat. Not much difference between a politician's tie and a street gang bandana in certain situations. Our reptilian brain kicks into action when our survival is at stake, no matter our social class or education.

Also in the area of political fashion statements. What's with Donald Trump and the long coats? Methinks he's feeling kingly and wants a robe like James Brown halfway through his act.

The Democratic representatives saw red when Interim Attorney General Matthew Whitaker took the congressional stand looking like Benito Mussolini's healthiest son. They attacked him unmercifully. They don't want him messing with the. Robert Mueller investigation. Whitaker proved dogged in refusing to answer questions about his conversations with Donald Trump. Whitaker was a piñata for the Democrats in his role as proxy for Trump. Maybe he got loyalty points from the president for absorbing the abuse though Jeff Sessions proved Trump has a short span for the loyalty of friends and/or allies. Michael Cohen never got a chance to take a bullet for President Trump-- but Matthew Whitaker did.

Maybe Roger Stone fancies himself the finest dresser of them all.

Paul Manafort... he's unpredictable and almost always shows bad judgment. Manafort is known for paying top dollar to achieve sartorial splendor and achieves nothing more than a Men's Warehouse look. Money cannot buy taste.

Different colors for different folks.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

A Picture worth thousands of words... can end a career pronto

Ralph Northam, governor of Virginia, has insurmountable odds to overcome. An embarrassing photo can kill a career, electrocute the victim in a matter of hours. Just ask Al Franken.

Franken's career ending on a silly photo seems extreme-- and may be a case of new Puritanism causing harm unnecessarily. He acted like he was going to grasp the breasts of a sleeping colleague, a fellow performer, on a USO tour flight.

Northam has a weaker case. He complains that the photos of medical students in black face and Ku Klux Klan outfit is not him. Funny how he didn't think that when first accused. You cannot undo a picture once it has entered the psyche of the citizens. Voters rise from their couches when encountering a horrible visual image.

Somehow Donald Trump has escaped the impact of the new awareness. Call him Teflon Don just like we called John Gotti, the Mafia Don. John Gotti escaped the courtroom conviction every time until he didn't. Sammy the Bull's testimony proved too much. Hard to say if Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, Michael Cohen of Roger Stone will ever bring such a result to the President....?

3 Photos That Changed the World

Three other photos since the late Sixties jump to mind. These consciousness-altering photos, non-sexual in nature, have influenced human awareness and political developments and hopefully do so.
Two are from the Vietnam War era and may have influenced our withdrawal from the war. The third is an image none of us can escape...;

1)The photo of a crying Vietnamese child,  Phan Thị Kim Phúc, now called the Napalm girl, as she runs stripped of clothes amid other fleeing villagers, to escape from an air attack. This is one of the most haunting images of the Vietnam War

2) The summary execution of a handcuffed Vietnamese prisoner by General Ngoc Loan during Tet Offensive in 1968. Another frightening photo

3) The Blue Marble, the first photo of earth taken from space. The photo has changed consciousness, made us aware that national boundaries are of miniscule importance compared to our mutual dependence.

If the earth is to survive we must go back to this third photo--- as our point of reference. We only survive if we share. Share with other people, share with polar bears, share with trees, birds, bees and flowers.

Pollution may happen over here goes over there. Global climate change is exactly that-- global!

A picture of photograph-- may be worth a thousand word, or multi-thousands-- and these words change the world.

Monday, January 28, 2019

Nancy to Donald: Not in my House!

Nancy Pelosi didn't request a RSVP from  President Trump to the State of the Union address; in fact she uninvited him.

But Nancy Pelosi seems to have flummoxed Donald Trump. She brought something new to the table. Some call it "legislative experience" and others just pure confidence and toughness that brings her to confront the President on equal terms. Trump, not one who likes equal terms, looks around for leverage and instead takes a whipping from right-wingers Ann Coulter and Lou Dobbs. Those pundits, Ann the author and Lou the broadcaster, hurl insults at Trump-- "wimpiest President" ever or "Cave Man" as the New York Post dubbed Trump for caving to the Democrats no-wall position.

Details never trouble Donald Trump. He must be given credit for flexibility. The guy assumes more shapes than Hermes the god of speed, businessmen and thieves. He has had trouble transacting to the Pelosi refusal to invite him to her house, the House of Representatives, to give the State of the Union speech.

Pelosi's strategic response to the government shutdown was to disinvite Trump for the big State of the Union speech on supposed security concerns. Her move has been acknowledged as political genius. We've never seen it before so let's give the Lady Speaker credit.

Pelosi denied Trump a megaphone. Trump likes giving speeches more than just about anything else. He likes being the center of attention and feeling respected by important people. The environment for the State of the Union provides all those things but Donald got denied. Seemed to throw him off his game.

Maybe concerns about the Mueller investigation setting sights on Trump pals like longtime political crony Roger Stone made him more vulnerable. Trump has handled immense amount of pressure but does not age from  pressures of the presidency in the usual manner. Everything about the guy is unprecedented.

Watching the Democratic presidential candidate hopefuls step to the fore.

Older generation-- Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, and did I hear Hillary Clinton's name mentioned...?

* Bernie-- a socialist at heart, set the progressive agenda now reflected by Democratic left-wing
* Joe-- has the "centrist" touch the Democrats need
* Hillary-- OMG

3 Female competitors-- Elizabeth Warren, Kirsten Gillibrand and Kamala Harris have all formally announced:

* Elizabeth-- a numbers person, shows an accountant instincts for rich people's thievery
* Kirsten-- may be a Republican in sheep's clothing, make that donkey's clothing
* Kamala-- smiles nicely with impeccable grooming, a tough DA type, somewhat intimidating

2 Billionaire independents-- Michael Bloomberg and Howard Schultz

* Michael-- capitalist but also Mayor of New York City, fights large soft-drinks and pollution
* Howard-- the former Starbucks CEO, business savvy, invented $5 coffee

The question for everybody considering the Democratic nomination. Can you beat Trump?

One candidate I've never heard mentioned-- Nancy Pelosi.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Trump Goes to the Mattresses

Donald Trump came into office just like a Mafia Don. Don Donald. Michael Flynn, the guy who led chants of “Lock her up,” and Michael Cohen, Trump’s personal lawyer, began selling favors before the inauguration. Flynn could be seen making deals on his cellphone from the White House lawn. Cohen sought out multi-national companies and advertised his strong access to the President of the United States as a strong selling point.
No hesitation in these gangster types. They get a foot in the door and you have to pay them protection…. Or else. 
Trump took the same approach as his associates. Emoluments clause? Hell with it. I can run a business and the USA at the same time. He did not want to divest his business holdings and never did.
Trump has “played” politics just the way the recently risen Mafia Don works his crew, the streets and the civilians. Everything’s for me. Everybody sends a cut of their earnings  to the top. 
Donald Trump will steal your lunch money until you fight back. America has not fought back and he keeps gouging until the final dollar is pressed into his personal coffers. Don’t like it and you can try your best to get him out of office.
Office never mattered to much to Donald Trump. He loves the theater and confrontation of electoral politics and loves watching television. But a certain movie captures the Trump phenomenon, even better than Celebrity Apprentice.
In Casino, the 1995 Martin Scorsese film starring Joe Pesci, Sharon Stone and Robert De Niro, we get an insight into Donald Trump. 
Robert De Niro as Ace Rothstein is quietly running a casino in Vegas. The De Niro character translates to Barack Obama, a capable man doing an honest day’s work. Joe Pesci is Donald Trump—the guy who shows up like a tornado, kills the game for everybody else. 
The Joe Pesci character, based on Anthony Spilotro, a real life mob enforcer and hit man, arrives and things spiral downward and end with a thud. Joe’s character lacks self-control. He is programmed to hurt others. He lives only for himself. The Joe Pesci  character adds insult to injury by stealing and banging De Niro’s wife—Sharon Stone as Ginger McKenna.
Okay, so Donald Trump never made a play for Michelle Obama. I’m sure she’s not his type. He likes tall women but prefers Eastern European and Russian woman. That’s how you end up with a daughter named Ivanka.
Trump’s daughter’s name does not imply he’s colluded or conspired with Russians. Trump’s most obvious trait—acquisitiveness—includes the element of bringing everybody else down. It’s not enough for him to win. The others, (i.e. the American citizenry) can fend for themselves. 
We must protect ourselves from Donald Trump’s habit of playing the game so hard, working the casino till every nickel has dropped out of the slot machine and then declaring bankruptcy. 
After 5 bankruptcies, including Atlantic City casinos, Trump moved to the next hustle. Bankers lost confidence in his Midas touch and Donald Trump went east to Moscow to find new bankers. 
Russia, as the banker of last resort, may prove to be the end of Trump. Putin is a better gangster, probably more cruel and efficient than the garrulous Donald Trump. Putin is more the Carlo Gambino style mob boss. He keeps quiet and motivates associates—called Russian oligarchs—to do his bidding. Putin is said to be the richest man in the world.
The Mueller probe gets closer to President Trump and Don Donald hires an army of lawyers. I heard 40 lawyers hired—but maybe 17, the more conservative number is accurate? In either case, that’s a lot of lawyers. 
Trump hiring an army of lawyers is a presidential version of the old Mafia term “going to the mattresses.” Mob wars required the Mafia soldiers to move into apartments and sleep on mattresses on the floor—until matters were settled. 
Trump’s two greatest assets are:
1)   His base of loyal voters
2)  His mastery of media communication

Like a good gangster movie, the two sides are lined against each other and ready to do battle. Carlo Gambino survived by following the traditional Mafia rule of omerta—silence when questioned by police and total loyalty to the mob family. But that is more Putin. Trump plays more like John Gotti—very fond of the spotlight and his notoriety.

Gotti flamed out quickly as “boss of all bosses” precisely because he was too loud, too flamboyant and overly narcissistic. 

Sound familiar?

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Yellow Vests: fighting Society's Reboot

The Yellow Vests, Gilets Jaunes, have taken Paris by storm. Yellow protective vests, mandated by the French government for all drivers, have become the symbol of dissatisfied French citizens. The protesters, many of them from rural areas or districts far removed from the central city, feel abandoned by President Emmanuel Macron and the ruling elites. 

Macron has goals to protect the environment and imposed a gasoline tax. That decision stirred Yellow Vest protests and rioting in the streets of Paris. The workers cannot afford to live in central Paris where mass transit is easily available. They drive cars, burn gas and feel the pain of a fuel tax hike imposed by Macron. The Yellow Vests took to the streets and the fuel tax quickly disappeared.

The consistent theme is that people outside the urban centers are taking action to be included in the new social contract.

Sound familiar? Look at England. Britain had their Brexit partisans, those determined to remove England from the European Union. The Brits outside of London got Brexit passed and they too seemed to feel they were getting shafted by the new social contract.

In the USA we have the Trump base who shocked the world by getting Donald Trump elected. They express a desire to return America to its days of heavy manufacturing. That day seems to have passed. Industry has moved to the Third World and may soon move entirely to AI, artificial intelligence… the dreaded robot society.

The new social contract is an elusive concept. The consistencies between these movements is twofold:

1)  A nostalgic longing for past conditions. 

Belgium protestors were heard chanting something like “We don’t want to change.” Perhaps this was a longing for the days before the big demographic change. Immigration to European countries from Third World countries threatens the status quo. The vaunted charms of the European lifestyle seem under assault.

2)  A desire to survive the technological revolution and the resulting society re-boot. 

The rich get richer. The educated have enough computer mastery to sustain themselves and even flourish with their programming skills. The robots get jobs once held by the blue collar folks. 

Protestors realize there is a re-organization of society taking place. They don’t want to be left broke, cold and devoid of the wine, cheese and pub life that makes for an enjoyable life, European style. 

Can’t say that I blame them.