Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Reality Hunter

Reality Hunter
Reality Hunter is my name. Finding reality is my game. I find it, I hunt it, I dominate it, I eat it for lunch….
Allen Ginsberg was a distant relative of mine… but as my dad like to say… “not distant enough.” Hey that’s not fair. Ginsberg is as much a part of realityas the next guy…. Or at least the next bearded homosexual, poetry reciting guy. Skepticism…
Are you a skeptic… skeptikos from the Greek… I think.
Then there’s always “I think, therefore I am…” or is I think and I blog but nobody cares… if a tree falls in a Chevy dealership… does it still qualify for a bailout.
What is life beyond a photo caption?
Or maybe life is the photo and writing is the caption?
Life is an indulgent exercise more than a paradigm shift… and what’s a paridigm other than twenty cents?
He makes his readers do Sure shit happens and when the shit gets bad enough a gag reflex happens… but don’t limit youself to sentence… go for stanzas. And don’t worry about brevity. Sure it’s the soul of wit… but if you are too brief.. things get exciting and dangerous. But least of all things is…, plagiarism.
Like James Frey and his “Million Little Pieces”of bullshit. Now that’s art… a man for the Internet age.. a MySpace page ... But don’t worry about originality and the hell with authorship. What kind of author drives a ship anyway?