Marshal McLuhan’s theories are germane to understanding the internet—the electric media where we find ourselves stimulated and overwhelmed. McLuhan died in 1980 but stands alone as a guide to making sense of our “too much information” world.
He saw it coming as clear as day. His tips, appear below, numbered 1-5. They come from Understanding Media, McLuhan’s groundbreaking book from 1964.
McLuhan’s writings help you gain a measure of confidence about “Why Is This Happening” way more than any TV show by Chris Hayes!
McLuhan correctly identified the significance of the Sputnik launch (1957) and satellite communications systems. We now had the earth in our electronic embrace.
1) Today the action and reaction occur almost at the same time.
The mechanical/industrial era began in 1450 with Johannes Gutenberg and the printing press. We are now in an era of electric technology. The printing press changed the world. The internet is today's revolution-- and cause of anxiety.
Some folks didn’t get the memo and think cause-and—effect determines outcomes. There is no chain of logic in the electronic environment. It happens so fast, everything is simultaneous.
2) We actually live mythically and integrally, as it were, but we continue to think in the old, fragmented space and time patters of the pre-electric age.
The electronic revolution has started to feel oppressive—even to the most enthusiastic Facebook, Instagram, Twitter user. Just as a fish is not aware of water we don’t know what social media does to our lives. We cannot put down the phone and want to know why!
We are so connected to screens it makes you want to scream. Your mind, body and spirit is flying around with all the other electrons created by the new environment.
3) In the electric age, where our central nervous system is technologically extended to involve us in all of mankind and to incorporate the whole of mankind in us, we necessarily participate, in depth in the consequences of every action.
We get too much information, all day long. Is there any escape. Not sure there is. But always remember McLuhan’s great axiom—“the medium is the message.”
McLuhan stated the medium is more significant than whatever the content being produced.
4) For the “content” of a medium is like the juicy meat carried by the burglar to distract the watchdog of the mind.
The content of your phone conversations has little significance; what matters is that you are using the cellphone.
Donald Trump’s tweets matter less than the fact that he is using Twitter.
McLuhan recognized the difficulty in grasping the internet—abstract and invisible. McLuhan compared his task to Louis Pasteur’s scientific revelations—for germs are also invisible to the eye.
5) I am in the position of Louis Pasteur telling doctors that their greatest enemy was quite invisible, and quite unrecognized by them.
Do not fall for content the fast-moving hype generated by social media, cable news, etc.. Do remember the medium for therein lives the answer.
Our very spirit and bodies have become the medium. We extend outward to the whole universe. That’s a lot of electrons to carry on your shoulders.
Separate from the monster…? Can you not glance at your phone every few seconds…?
Marshall McLuhan is the best medicine—the true doctor for our overworked synapses.
Read McLuhan before going to bed each night.
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