Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Trump and Kim Jong-un Bring the Heat

Only took Donald Trump six months in office to bring up the N-word... nuclear. Hillary and Barack raised questions about Donald's fiery, impulsive temperament not being well-suited to the Commander-in-Chief job. Then he got elected. From Celebrity Apprentice to the nuclear code of the most powerful nation on earth. The United States used the atomic bomb twice. After Hiroshima and the deaths of 140,000 did not get the Japanese to issue a surrender, Truman calmly stated:

"If they do not now accept our terms they may expect a rain of ruin from the air, the like of which has never been seen on this earth. Behind this air attack will follow sea and land forces in such numbers and power as they have not yet seen and with the fighting skill of which they are already well aware. ”

The Japanese did not respond and another bomb dropped on Nagasaki killed 70,000 more people three days later.

Truman's words help remind us of the context-- the war between American and Japan had raged for 3 1/2 years. The goal, defeat of Japan with as few additional American lives lost, had been clearly established and understood by the American people and our Allies. Only under these extreme circumstances did Truman make the decision to drop a first atomic bomb, incinerate 140,000 people and then warn the Japanese that a second bomb would follow. Truman chose powerful words to characterize a moment blighted with terror. Compare that to the present situation.

Trump pulls out the rhetorical blowtorch and talks about "fire and fury" being unleashed on North Korea, a small country on the border of China being run by a ruthless, tinhorn dictator. Trump's defenders descry the annoying dictator in Pyongyang with his missile tests and insane saber rattling rhetoric. Sounds like a lot of sound and fury has been generated by both Trump and Kim Jong-un, both men sporting unusual haircuts.

Meanwhile, more heat is the last thing we need: 

  • Europe is burning under the influence of a heatwave nicknamed Lucifer.
  • European glaciers are melting.
  • A US climate report, produced by 13 government agencies, gets leaked to the New York Times out of fear that report will be suppressed by the Trump administration.
  • Donald Trump hires General Kelly to manage the White House staff. Then Trump goes to a golf course in New Jersey on vacation. 
  • Maybe Mr. Trump wanted to escape any chance of being managed himself? Issues a bunch of tweets from NJ!
  • We should always be suspicious of somebody claiming to go to New Jersey on vacation. 
  • The Kennedy's had Hyannis Port. The Bush family went to Kennebunkport. And even Bill Clinton and Barack Obama could afford the trip to Massachusetts, hanging out with the Eastern media moguls on Martha's Vineyard.

It's getting so hot in here-- now that's something to fume and fulminate about.

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