Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Moron Don and Bob Corker: why the name game works

Donald Trump has the schoolyard bully’s talent for ranking people out. “Ranking out” was the term we used for putting down other kids back in Queens in 1960. One rank out phrase I recall sounds picturesque by the standards of these days: I’ll rank you so low you’ll play handball against the curb.

Trump brought the art of ranking people out to the national political stage with—
·               Low Energy Jeb Bush
·               Little Marco
·               Lyin’ Ted
·               Crooked Hillary
·               Little Rocket Man
·               Liddle’ Bob Corker

But the name Moron Don finally sticks to Donald Trump And, funny thing, Rex Tillerson used the phrase behind closed doors. Tillerson never intended the insult to fall upon Don’s ears. And especially didn’t plan for the rank-out to go viral and be heard by the ears of the world.

The key to a really good insult is its accuracy—and Moron Don fits Donald Trump surprisingly well.

1. A person having an I.Q. of 50-69 and judged incapable of developing beyond a mental age of 8-12.
2. Informal any stupid person or a person lacking in good judgment.

Why does moron work so well for Mr. Trump. Well, there’s something loose and freewheeling about a moron. Moron Don rolls along—put your hands in the air, like you just don’t care. Don doesn’t care but he is sensitive about native intelligence. Donald Trump may be the master of street smarts but he’s no Henry Kissinger when it comes to world history or in the arena of books smarts.

But Bob Corker, the senator from Tennessee, comes along just in time. Corker, like Superman, steps into the void and leaps tall building. Corker, a voice of reason and courage, hurtles into the ball of confusion with no fear of Trump the schoolyard bully. Maybe it’s all about the name—corker!

1.   a person who thing or thing that corks.
2.   Slang someone of astonishing talent or excellent quality.

Let’s just hope that Bob Corker keeps corking along…

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