Friday, November 4, 2016

Life is Shortz (New York Times)

NY Times crossword, Tues, Nov 2, 2016

Life is Shortz, no doubt about it. Will Shortz shared some wisdom in his crossword puzzle on this day: amidst all the blockgame scenery, fake and feint foolery, word and parry parody.

The clue—Down 23--What kindness and graceful aging reveal… La respuesta, the answer … Inner beauty, sounds like the supercilious, surefire meaning to existence

Will said it best and moved on ahead most beautifiously  to Down 24—Quibbles. And the answer to Quibbles? Nit… And so goes life you move from inner beauty to nitpicking in a heartbeat, a nanosecond a blink of the eye. Cause that’s how Will rolls… the man has cojones like Yemens Lemons, he’s no slave to space and time. Well, actually he’s pretty particular about his spaces. And he likes his rhymes.

Way down upon the Swanee River, far far away. In Ancient Central America, Juliet found her Romeo amidst the Ebola, the Togoslogos and the Allosaurus. Or was that Al O’Saurus, the Irishman from Pleistocene.

Rolling Stones lack it—. Moss. A rolling stone gathers no moss, fools us does Mr. Will Shortz the harlequin, and even adds a  television reference, a “Wheel of Fortune” buyan e. You’re a funny guy Big Willie.

Bonnie and Clyde went on a crime spree, he reminds, and Theseus slew the Minotaur on Crete. Don’t know if Bonnie and Clyde made it to Peoria but I know they never hit Lesotho. But like Sondheim said… It takes two. And that’s Across 59-- a duet. Just do it!

And Mr. Shortz does do it, roaming down and across the cosmos like an Allosaurus from pre-history to Wheel of Fortune… across the map and all over history, myth and legend. Across 61, To be, in Toulouse, that’s c’est  and with Will it’s either c’est la vie or not to be—you just never know.

Just gotta see if it fits.

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