Friday, January 1, 2016

New Year's Resolutions (2016)-- curb the cellphone

Let's face it. There is only one resolution to be considered. "Stop staring at my cellphone." Give it up. Give it a rest. I heard an expert talking about cellphone use. People have their cellphones next to their bed. They check their Messages in the middle of the night. Sleep is disrupted. A person without sleep is a crazy person. People text while they drive. A person who texts and drives is a crazy person. The machines are making us crazy.

Our machines, the ones that we built, now run 24 hours a day/7 days a week. The machines, the apps... they rule our lives and we love it! That's the problem. People do the things they love. Funny how kids in high school always knew the lyrics to popular rock n roll songs. But math equations of dates for history class were a mystery, lost somewhere and never to be recovered. The ads could be recalled because the songs had catchy beats... "You'll wonder where the yellow went, if you brush your teeth with Pepsodent." That's an old TV ad, you probably never heard or saw.

Can you resolve to change your cellphone behavior? It's you versus the machine. Are you looking at your phone while at dinner with friends or family? That's loser behavior. And you're telling your company that they do not matter. You'd rather be someplace else. You want to be where your phone transports you-- with some other people, in some other place.

Every gone to a restaurant with a friend and they're looking over your shoulder? They want to see if somebody interesting shows up. Somebody more attractive, powerful and important than you. And why? If you were really important, you would not be eating with them. And so it goes.... your eyes staring at your phone tell other people, nearby people, they do not matter very much.

So, how can you change your cellphone behavior for 2016?


Mr. Manners
(etiquette coach)

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