Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Did baseball cause global warming?

Remember back in the days when World Series, the October classic, was actually played in October? For you non-baseball fans, the World Series, a best of 7-games contest, took place in the month of October back when October was an autumn month. Fans were satisfied in those days with a 6 month long regular baseball season. And the weather always seemed to be cool on those October days 'cause that was back when we had an autumn season of the year. You had to wear a sweater or jacket to those early October World Series games of yesteryear-- maybe even a coat. The weather got cooler in mid-September in those days. That was before global warming added an entire extra month of summer to most of the United States. I just got back from Montana on Oct. 12th and it was still balmy up there.

For example, the 1961 World Series pitted the New York Yankees (American League) against the Cincinnati Reds (National League). The series only lasted 5 games. The Yankees won four of five games and the last game was played on October 9th! Roger Maris broke Babe Ruth's record that year by hitting 61 home runs.

But now let's check out the weather changes between 1961 and 2015! Temperatures have increased dramatically. Now we can play baseball all the way to November.

From the official weather records for New York City:  "The hottest day of 1961 was July 26, with a high temperature of 87°F."

Here are your temperatures for a single week this summer in New York City for the 6 days from July 26-- July 31, 2015.

July 26: 90 degrees
July 27: 86 degrees
July 28: 95 degrees
July 29: 96 degrees
July 30: 87 degrees
July 31: 89 degrees

New York City temps in the final week of July 2015 exceeded the 87 degree high temperature for New York City for 1961-- on just about every day! That's hot, hot, hot...

Today is Oct. 14, 2015 and we are in the midst of playoffs, the preliminaries to the World Series. But not to worry. Conveniently, thanks to global warming, the temperatures will likely stay warm for the next three weeks. The World Series will be played between Oct. 27-- Nov 4, and fans can watch comfortably anywhere in North America.

Conceivably.... we might see the Kansas City Royals play the New York Mets or Chicago Cubs. Baseball in  those cities on Oct 27? No problem. Maybe you'll need a sweatshirt for the game. You'll be fine. Or maybe not? Major League Baseball seems confident the temps will be plenty warm enough.

The only logical conclusion-- baseball is causing global warming!

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